We aim to always ensure we enhance economic, environmental and social impacts, being a responsible business, having a robust strategic approach for business and society. This is a high priority for our Board and is continually under review, by working with manufacturers to reduce packaging, use vehicles with low emissions and supporting both our staff and the community.
Taking care of our Team
We encourage our team to want to advance within the company with learning and development programs, additionally we feel it is important and more productive to promote a healthy ‘work/home’ life balance and the opportunity for flexible working hours and sabbaticals.
We operate a responsible sourcing program reviewing the use of packaging and waste materials through our suppliers, customers and in-house so wherever possible we can reduce our carbon footprint.
Supporting our Local Community
We feel it is important to support our local community by sourcing products, where possible, local suppliers and similarly try to recruitment within our area. We actively support local charities and are open to suggestions if any of our customers have charities they would like us to add to our list.